Heartbeat Farm & Rescue Sanctuary
In 2014, Steve & Kate Gamble began to rescue several animals from a life of neglect or abuse. From that point on, they dedicated their farm property in Aiken, South Carolina to becoming the last stop for these beautiful displaced animals. To date they have taken in horses, donkeys, goats, cows, pigs, chickens, feral cats, and even a tortoise.
Many of these rescue animals were on the road to slaughter, unnecessary euthanasia or saved from a life of neglect and/or abuse.
The rescue sanctuary has also rehabbed several abandoned dogs that were either dropped off or wandered onto the property emaciated and sick. These dogs were brought back to health and placed into good homes where they would receive the love they all deserve.
There are currently 50 animals in the sanctuary.
At the Heartbeat Farm Rescue Sanctuary, they are provided a safe and loving environment, excellent nutrition, proper vet care, and socialization.
The cost of running these rescues can be overwhelming, between vet fees, feed, and shelter. Anything donated to the Rescue Sanctuary can go a long way to help change the lives of these precious animals forever.